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Directory of VIG Practitioners

AVIGuk does not provide video interaction guidance services. We publish this directory as a means to help the public find services in their locality.

Most VIG practitioners are employed in local authorities, charities and health services.  They normally only take referrals from other professionals on behalf of families who reside in their areas.  Therefore, they do not feature in this directory.

The directory consists of independent practitioners that offer services directly to the service user or their representative. These services are normally fee-paying. A listing here does not amount to a recommendation by AVIGuk but, in order to be listed, their training has been accredited by AVIGuk and that they continue to be registered with us.

Any member of the public may ask us about the current status of a practitioner by email to

Zubeida Dasgupta

VIG service for families with children of all ages. I accept either self or professional referral. I also practice VIG with professionals in schools, nurseries and colleges. I also offer VIG supervision and training.



VIG Family Support

I am Imogen Brown, an AVIG UK accredited VIG practitioner based in Glasgow.

I work with families with children ranging in age from birth to adolescence, helping to build parents' confidence, promote secure attachments and strengthen relationships. I find VIG an accessible intervention and have experience using VIG with parents who are care experienced, have English as a second language, and with parents/children with learning disabilities or ASD.

A 12 year career as professional photographer and over 10 years experience supporting children and families in local authority, education and charity sectors informs my VIG practice.

Please get in touch to find out more or make a referral at



Stuart Forbes On Line Therapy

I am an experienced Local Authority Specialist Educational Psychologist and have worked in many areas, schools and homes across the UK during my career.

During this time I have trained in and used a wide range of therapeutic techniques to help make a real difference in the lives of children, families and teachers I have worked with, including Family Therapy and Solution Focused Brief Therapy.

I began my training in Video Interaction Guidance in April 2017 and achieved Accredited Guider Certification in May 2019.

I have also produced a range of free interactive on line resources at to help VIG practitioners with their paperwork and microanalysis of video clips.

I am now working privately providing VIG and VERP remotely via Zoom and I am finding it a very effective and efficient way of working which has many benefits for myself and clients.

I offer a free initial consultation to clients on line and full details are available on my website at



Ripple Services

VIG intervention for families and professionals. This can take place in the home/place of work, contact centres etc. Referrals can be made through

Delivery of the VIG Initial Training Course for professionals interested in delivering VIG. This can be delivered online and face to face.

VIG supervision for VIG trainees. This includes delivery of the Mid-Point Review and Accreditation meetings.

All services available within Northern Ireland and Ireland.



Reni Landor Psychology and Therapeutic Services

VIG is one of the most exciting and effective tools I have available to me in my work as a psychologist and therapist to support people with relationships and communication.


East England

Psychology Oxfordshire & With Mothers In Mind

I am an experienced clinical psychologist and accredited VIG practitioner working independently with parents-to-be and with new families in South Oxfordshire. I offer a compassionate, collaborative and individualised approach, and draw flexibly on a variety of evidence-based models in my therapeutic work. I am committed to supporting people to nurture secure and fulfilling relationships with one another.



Psychology Interacts Ltd

I work with schools and families to support a greater understanding of each other's interaction using VIG and Video Enhanced Reflective Practice.
I am a supervisor and run Initial Training Courses.



Playworks Therapy

Debra John Independent Play Therapist (BAPT) and Accredited Video Interaction Guidance Practitioner. Previously worked in the NHS as a specialist community public health nurse (specialist health visitor) providing services to young children, families and community groups.


South Wales

Peterkin Psychology Services

Team of clinical psychologists offering a range of evidence based psychological interventions including Video Interactive Guidance.



Monika Celebi

I am a VIG practitioner, UKCP registered psychotherapist, Clinical Director of Babies1s ( I specialise working with parents and babies in the 1001 Critical days (from conception to age two). I support families to become more confident in reading babies' cues and to have more fun together.


Chalfont St Peter

Michelle Carr

Hello my name is Michelle, I work with children and their families in South Devon.
I am an accredited Video Interaction Guidance practitioner.
I also practice Play Therapy & am qualified in children's mindfulness, thrive and parenting support programmes.
I have experience supporting parents whose children require extra support with behavioural and emotional wellbeing, new parents experiencing worries or overwhelm following the birth of their child and parents who are being supported to strengthen their relationship with their child(ren).
I work in family homes, children's centres and contact centres across South Devon.
You can contact me through my website.


South Devon

Melanie Cross

I am a speech and Language Therapist and VIG guider and Supervisor offering VIG interventions and supervision for those working towards Accredited and Advanced practitioner status. I live and work in Kent but can provide VIG services via zoom further afield.



Louise Harris

I have a Masters in Social Work and Human Rights from Essex University (Distinction). Upto Autumn 2024 I was working as a registered social worker and work in the Essex, Thurrock, Chelmsford, Southend and London area but have recently moved to the Highlands of Scotland which is not covered by the Social Work England register. I prefer to provide VIG face to face with clients and I am happy to travel across the UK to do so.
I provide VIG to children and families who are under child protection plans or have other forms of children social services involvement. I have experience of providing VIG in court directed work and producing court reports.
I am available independently in a fee paying arrangement and also work directly with local authorities.
I have extensive experience of providing VIG and other interventions to families on the Edge of Care where there has been a history of domestic abuse as I am Safelives IDVA qualified (Independent Domestic Violence Advisor) and have a lot of experience in working with families experiencing domestic abuse.

Email for more information


Inverness and London

Katy Grayson

I am an EP and accredited VIG practioner and supervisor. I offer VIG to families and schools. I deliver VERP courses to a range of professionals.

I have a particular interest in working with chidren and young people and their foster carers.

I am based in the south east of England and am able to offer VIG supervision remotely.


South-East England

Joy Perry

I'm a BACP accredited therapeutic counsellor for children, families, young people and adults. I work creatively and using talking approaches with individuals and on the parent-child relationship. I work privately and for local authorities, including with adoption and looked after children. I have undertaken additional training in this sphere. I use Video Interaction Guidance with parents and families to help support relationships and improve mental health. I'm based in Basingstoke and I'm currently providing VIG and therapy in person as well as online.


Basingstoke, North Hampshire

Jenna Wright

I am an accredited VIG practitioner based in South West London. I am experienced in providing VIG with parents and children across a range of ages. I am particularly passionate about the postnatal period and working with children in the 0-5 age range, having two children myself under 5 years of age, but am also highly experienced working with adolescents. I am experienced in working with families involved with social services at all levels.

I am available to offer VIG independently across Central, West and South London, Surrey and North Hampshire. Referrals accepted from professionals and families self-referring.

Please email for further information:



Independent Practice.

My name is Debbie Cates, a Systemic Family Therapist (registered with UKCP) and accredited VIG practitioner working in private practice in the St Neots Cambridgeshire area. I am a qualified Social Worker and have past experience of working with children and families including in foster care services. I also have experience of working in CAMH.
I believe that VIG makes a real difference for children and their families, using a strength based intervention to strengthen relationships between carer and child.
I accept referrals for VIG from the Local Authority and other public services as well as well as privately. If you are not sure if VIG is the right approach for you, please contact me for an initial discussion.



Glen Strathie Ltd

Glen Strathie Ltd has delivered VIG across the UK and internationally since 2009. We have worked closely with third sector, Local Authorities (Social Care, Child Safeguarding and Education) and NHS/NES to deliver high quality training and support to a range of professionals and support workers. Please contact or through our web site to talk to Sandra Strathie (National Trainer/Supervisor) or Anne Marie Walker (Supervisor) about your training requirements. You can also find us on Facebook @ Glen Strathie Partnership



Family Matters in Warwickshire

My name is Dr Helen Andrews and I am a child clinical psychologist working with families where there are concerns for a young person's development or well-being or where relationships are under strain. I particularly encourage early intervention so work mostly with very young children or where problems are first emerging.
I offer Video Interaction Guidance as one of many approaches and find it very effective for increasing your confidence in your relationship with your child, overcoming challenging behaviour and helping you feel closer to each other.
I am based in Henley in Arden in Warwickshire but see families over quite a large area.



Emma Harris

I am an accredited VIG Practitioner recently moving into private practice in Cornwall having worked in Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Services for many years.

I am also a registered mental health nurse and accredited EMDR therapist.

My interests and experience are using VIG to develop parenting skills and confidence after a period of adversity or perinatal mental health problems. I also particularly enjoy working to build relationships and confidence in families having children after baby loss. I specialise in working with children under two years old.

I prefer to work face to face in Cornwall but can work online if required. I can accept referrals from the Local Authority as well as private referrals.

Please get in touch if you would like to talk about whether I may be able to help. See under the 'Perinatal Offerings' section of my website for further information.



Early Parenting Support

My name is Dr Fionnuala Stuart and I am a Consultant Child Psychiatrist and Accredited VIG Practitioner based in London and working in private practice. I have specialist training and experience in working with parents/carers in the early years, including parents/carers of babies born prematurely. I can see babies/young children up until their 4th birthday together with their parents/carers. I can offer VIG in person from my clinic base in Hampstead Garden Suburb, or in client's homes (depending on travel distance), or remotely (via Zoom). Please contact me via my website if you would like to make a referral/book an appointment.



Early Help Psychology Limited

My name is Denise Burford. I'm a video interaction guidance (VIG) practitioner. I'm also a child, community & educational psychologist. I live in Hemel Hempstead (Hertfordshire) and work in the local area for a local authority and also privately. I offer VIG in person and remotely using zoom (sometimes a combination). I work with a range of people including parents, foster carers, special guardians, kinship carers, children, young people, school staff, social workers and family workers.

Please message my via the link below for more details.



EMC Psychology Ltd

Accredited Advanced VIG practitioner. Based in Bristol, I offer VIG and VERP across the south west (or wider, if online).

I am also training to become a VIG supervisor, so can accept VIG practitioner trainees for supervision.

Please contact to find out more or if you have any queries.


South West

Dr Stephanie Satariano

Provide VIG to families to support communication and interaction. I have carried out work within social care proceedings, in families with children with developmental concerns and specific difficulties. As well as children who are typically developing and parents are seeking some support with interaction



Dr Louisa Reynolds

Hello! My name is Dr Louisa Reynolds. I am an Educational and Child Psychologist and accredited AVIGuk Practitioner.

I run an independent practice based in West London and offer VIG to parents and families as well as professionals working across postnatal care, early years and school settings. I offer VIG in person and remotely.

Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about how I work with parents, families and professionals using VIG and how VIG can help you to strengthen your relationship and communication with your child or the children you support.



Dr Laura Bennett at Oasis Psychology

Hi, I'm Laura Bennett, a Clinical Psychologist and Accredited VIG practitioner. I worked in the NHS for 17 years before founding Oasis Psychology in 2022. Our service provides support to children with attachment needs and developmental trauma and the families and professionals involved in their care. I believe that VIG is a really useful therapy for developing more secure attachment relationships and thoroughly enjoy seeing the positive moments within relationships and the progress that families make.

I accept referrals from local authorities, fostering or adoption agencies, educational provisions and private individuals. I am able to work face to face or online.



Dr Katherine Ferdenzi

Independent Clinical Psychologist specialising in Perinatal Mental Health Problems, Infant Mental Health, Parenting, and Adopted, Fostered and Looked After Children.



Dr Jane Tyler-Collings

Hi there! I work as a Clinical Psychologist in the Manchester and Stockport area. I split my time between my NHS job in a Paediatric Child and Family Service and I offer sessions to support a child/young person or families emotional well-being in an independent capacity.

I am a AVIGuk practitioner and I have lots of experience of using VIG with families within a Child and Family Service and within a Paediatric setting. Please get in touch if you would like to talk about how VIG can help to strengthen your relationships and understand your child's behaviour and emotions. I can offer online and face to face sessions.

I am also a Trainee VIG Supervisor - I have spaces for Trainee Practitioners - get in touch if you need a supervisor for your work.



Dr Denise McCartan

I am a VIG Practitioner, Supervisor and a Senior Educational Psychologist based in the North East of England. I offer VIG to families, schools and other organisations within the region and also online.

I have experience of using VIG in a wide range of situations and in combination with other relational approaches. Please contact me for further information.


North East England

Dr Chantal Goss

I am an AVIGuk Accredited Practitioner and HCPC registered Practitioner Psychologist working as a Senior Educational and Child Psychologist for Shropshire Local Authority.
I have been using VIG in my work to support relationships, communication and mental wellbeing within families and schools since 2011.
I welcome referrals from Education, Health, Care and self-referrals.



Dr Alex Greene

Dr. Alex Greene is a Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) supervisor, guider, and trainer and while living in Scotland, used VIG extensively in the NHS, working with young people, their families and health professional teams.
Since moving to London, she offers VIG as an intervention to a range of organisations, such as perinatal & CAMHS services, and welcomes self-referrals from families and couple wishing to explore and build their relationships together.
In 2022, she launched Kinexxions, which runs ante & postnatal classes to families wishing to learn how VIG can accelerate their bond with their child and boost their child’s development and wellbeing.



Clare Lowry Psychology

I am a VIG practitioner, supervisor and Educational Psychologist based in Falmouth, Cornwall. I have used VIG and VERP (video enhanced reflective practice) with schools and families in a variety of situations. I work face to face (as long as the travel time is no more than 45 minutes) or can do online VIG. If you are not sure if VIG/VERP is the right approach for you then please contact me for an initial discussion.



Charlene Irvine

I am Charlene Irvine a AVIG UK accredited VIG practitioner since 2018 based in Bristol.

I having been work with families with children ranging from 0-18 years for over 24years within the Bristol area. I work alongside families to identify, support and encourage connection and reflection between parent an child, looking at attachment, behaviour and social learning theories to guide my practice.

I am currently working in social care and also have experience in education, adoption, reunification and the charity sector. When working with families i always work in a strength based way, by using VIG i can help Increase self-awareness of communication patterns, Improved relationships through better interaction quality. Enhanced empathy and sensitivity, as individuals learn to notice subtle cues. Sustained behavioural changes driven by positive feedback and reinforcement.

I am very interested in parent child interactions and enjoy supporting families to gain more positive forms of communication through more than language.

Please get in touch if you would like more information.



Centro de Psicoterapia Nurturing Natures

I am Fang-Yi Lin (Leah) from Taiwan, and as a Clinical Psychologist I work in private practice in Macao, with over 10 years' experience of supporting children and their families ( specialise with children under 5)

I am an accredited VIG Practitioner in 2022, I have been applying VIG with ASD toddlers and carers for years. I can offer VIG remotely via Zoom, or using a blended model with some face to face meetings and some remote.

My center is an independent psychological healthcare service for Children, Adolescents, and Family. We provide the highest-quality, effective, and professional psychological assessment and support for children and parents.

For more information please visit my website.



Caroline McLellan

Hello, my name is Caroline McLellan. I became an accredited VIG Practitioner in 2016. Initially, I delivered VIG to teachers, support workers and teenagers within schools. More recently I have also worked with parents and young children within their homes.

I follow the standards of conduct, performance and ethical practice set by AVIG UK.
Referrals accepted from professionals and individuals

Although based in Glasgow, I am happy to travel.



CAYP Psychology

CAYP Psychology is an independent psychological healthcare service for Children, Adolescents, and Young People. We aim to provide a detailed understanding of the challenges that children and young people may be facing, such as difficulties with their mood or anxieties, social concerns, behavioural problems, or emotional trauma. We are a large team of over 75 highly qualified clinical psychologists and practitioners, spread across over 30 UK-wide clinics and online.

Whilst we strive to provide the highest-quality, effective, and professional psychological assessment and support for children and young people, we are very proud to offer a range of support for parents and carers, including Video Interaction Guidance (VIG).

Our experience and expertise with VIG is extensive, and our VIG approach fully adheres to the model, can be offered virtually, and is run by fully qualified and trained VIG practitioners, who are also clinical psychologists.

Our website is at, and an online brochure for our offer is here:

We look forward to hearing from you



Bucks Child & Baby

Bucks child and baby services
Tel 07961 798006

We work throughout Buckinghamshire (and further afield remotely) offering VIG to families via self or professional referral.
We work with children under 5 but specialise in the perinatal period (conception up until 2 years).
For more information please visit




Babies1st is a Community Interest Company. We are working in Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire and Hertfordshire. We support parents and babies from conception to age two using video interaction guidance. More information can be found on



Ashton Psychology Ltd

Rebecca Ashton offers Video Interaction Guidance through her limited company, Ashton Psychology Ltd. Rebecca is a qualified, experienced educational psychologist registered with the HCPC. She is also a qualified Video Interaction Guidance practitioner. Rebecca can offer VIG remotely via Zoom, or using a blended model with some face to face meetings and some remote. Rebecca is based near Preston in Lancashire.



Anna Robinson

I am a qualified Social Worker with over 10 years' experience of supporting children and their families across statutory and charity sectors. I've been using Video Interaction Guidance with children and carers since 2018.
My interests and experience are using VIG to develop parenting skills and confidence after a period of adversity, supporting carers with perinatal mental health difficulties, and supporting families (including adoptive or special guardianship) where there are concerns that the care arrangement could break down.
I can provide Video Interaction Guidance privately and also funded through the Adoption Support Fund. This can be delivered in person in the Bristol area or remotely.
Please contact me for availability and



Alison Edwards

Accredited AVIGuk practitioner. Based in Brighton, I offer VIG across the South East and London. Professional and self referrals accepted.

Referrals accepted from local authorities. I work with families involved with social services at all levels, including fostering and adoption. My experience includes working in the perinatal period and with adolescents.



ACB Psychology Ltd

I am Dr Anna Chalmers-Brown, a Clinical Psychologist and accredited VIG practitioner working in private practice in London and online. I have a background in CAMHS. I accept referrals from the Local Authority as well as privately.




124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

Company Number 08182188; Registered Charity 1178361

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